I took photos of myself since I was 18 to 22 years old (2017 - 2021) wif hat. It's really a picture of me standing in front of the computer day by day wif hat
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jupiterCloud 5
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Total Supply $ghozalu

Max Supply $ghozalu

LP Token

Burn to ensure fairness and security


Fully Community-owned: project is decentralized with no central authority


The mint is revoked to ensure security for holders.

How to buy $GHOZALU
Create Wallet

Download Phantom or your wallet of choice from the app store or Google Play for free Desktop users download the Google Chrome extension by going to Phantom

Get Some SOL

Have SOL in your wallet to switch to $GHOZALU. If you don't have any SOL, you can buy directly on Phantom. Transfer from another wallet, or buy on aanother exchange and send it to your wallet

Go to Raydium

Connect to Raydium. Go to Raydium in google chrome or on the browser inside your Phantom app. Connect your wallet Paste the $GHOZALU token address into Raydium select $GHOZALU and confirm. When Phantom prompts you for a wallet signature, sign


Switch SOL for $GHOZALU. We have Zero taxes so you don't need to worry about buying with a specific slippage although you may
